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If you are looking for top Biorhythms software, you just found it!

Biorhythms for Windows Pro - User's Guide Back to Introduction


  Program Advantages
  System Requirements
  Registration of the Program
  How to use the Program
  Two Persons Mode
  Changing the Appearance of the Biorhythms
  Printing of the Chart
  The Calendar
  Finding of Good and Bad Days
  Biorhythms Interpretations
  Keyboard Shortcuts

Back to Top Program Advantages:

Biorhythms for Windows Professional has all the advantages that the Windows environment offers and much more:

 Easy to use: all actions can be performed only with the mouse, not even touching the keyboard
 Resizable chart
Possibility to export the Biorhythms chart to other Windows applications
 Built-in Calendar that covers 29 centuries that shows Critical Days and Lunar Phases
 Calculates and shows Intuitional cycle (38-day rhythm) and its Critical Days
 Includes Database for storing of birth dates
 Calculates Secondary Biorhythms and I-Ching Biorhythms
 Prints full page high quality Calendar pages with marked Critical Days
 Prints on just one page the Biorhythms for all 12 months of the current year
 Prints charts in color
 Shows Biorhythms for two people simultaneously (compatibility of a couple)
 Finds Good and Bad Days, also days that are similar to the selected one
 Calculates and shows Zodiac Sign

Back to Top  System Requirements

- Personal Computer with Microsoft Windows operation system installed
- All Microsoft Windows platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 9.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
- Approximately 6 MB of free Hard Disk space
- Mouse 

Back to Top  Installation

In the section "Download program" click link "Download Biorhythms for Windows Professional and try it! Biorhythms Pro

When window similar as below will open, choose button "Run" , then simply follow installation instruction screens, and in several seconds program Biorhythms for Windows Pro will be installed in your computer. 


In other web browsers, as Mozilla Firefox, this window may look bit different and you will need to download setup file first and then run it:

Choose "Save File", wait until file will be saved and then double click downloaded Biorhythms setup file in "Downloads" folder: 


After you run setup file, such window will open:

Installation program screen
Press Next button. 
Following screen will appear: 
Press Next button. 
Now Biorhythms Pro setup program will start and you will see following screen:
If you want to install program into different location, press button next to the  directory field and choose different directory. Press Next. 
Then simply follow instructions that will be shown in the following screens.
Press Start to continue installation. Setup program will finish copying files into your computer and shortly you will see such screen:

Now installation is completed. Press Exit. 
New items Biorhythms Pro, Biorhythms Pro Help and Uninstall Biorhythms Pro will be added under the Start, Programs, Biorhythms Pro:

How to start program

To start the program, click Start, Programs, Biorhythms Pro.

Back to Top Registration of the Program 

Unregistered Biorhythms Pro programs will start in a Demo mode. You will not be able to calculate and print Biorhythms for a date higher than January, 2022.

In order to register the program:

1. Click Help, Register Program, and the following screen will appear:

Screen of Registration window

2. Enter User name (not less than 3 and no more than 30 characters; do not start with space). “Ask for Registration Code” button will become enabled after you enter first three letters.

3. Then click “Ask for Registration Code” button and email will be sent to the distributor of this program. Shortly you will receive information how payment can be done.

After payment you will receive the Registration Code, which you have to enter into “Registration Code” field (with Copy/Paste), then press the Register Program button and all features of the Biorhythms Pro program will be enabled.

If message like "SMTP error", "Email error" or similar will appear, it means that email program is not installed on this computer. It is not a problem, just close this message and go to item 3A.

3A. If you do not use Windows email program, as Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Mozilla Mail, Pegasus or similar, but have web-based email, as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, then simply copy Serial number information (e.g. as in picture below Serial Number: 001045// 4493......, in the white field), paste it into the body of the email message and send to email valentasd@hotmail.com .

To open this screen, click Help, About this Program, and then click computer icon. Another click on the computer icon will hide this field. 

 You still need first to enter user name and click “Ask for Registration Code” in "Register Program" window. 

If you will decide to install program into different computer, you will need another registration code - simply repeat registration procedure as described above.

The button “Registration instruction” will allow you to go directly to Internet sites of Biorhythms Pro program distributors.

Program license allows user to obtain up to 3 registration codes and to install Biorhythms Pro in up to three machines at one time. If user of Biorhythms Pro program will obtain a new computer or will need to re-install program, she or he will be provided with additional registration code for free.

Back to Top 3. How to use the Program

To start the program, select Start, Programs, Biorhythms Pro, and click Biorhythms Pro item, or double click the program icon . If you have Biorhythms Pro icon on desktop of your computer, you can select it with a mouse and press Enter .

The main program window will open:

Main screen

Click the item Dates, and then Dates again on the top of the form (or icon ).

The following dialog box will show up:

Enter a birth date by dragging the square on the each scroll bar.  You will see numbers changing.

Stop when the numbers reach the correct birth date.

If you click on the arrows, numbers will change by one:
       - decrease, if you click the left arrow or
      - increase, if you click the right arrow.

You can click somewhere between the square and the arrow:
      - values will change by 10 for the years,
      - by 3 for the months,
      - by 6 for the days and
      - by 3 for the hours.

Note: You can enter dates using the keyboard: select scroll bar with the Tab key and move square with the left and right keyboard arrows.

When you finish entering correct birth date, press OK button.

A dialog box will appear, asking you when to start showing biorhythms:


Choose any year and month in the same way as explained above, but make sure this date is higher than the birth date. 

That’s it. Now click OK.

Three curves will appear on the screen:


If option Show, Intuitional is checked, program also will show 4th, Intuitional, cycle.

Important: Please read the Section entitled About Biorhythms in order to understand what Biorhythms can do for you.  Or you can click menu item Help and About Biorhythms in the program.

You can resize the picture by dragging its border with the mouse, shrink to an icon by clicking button  on the right top side of the form or make it to fill the screen, clicking on the  button.

You can use advantage of the option Risky Days under the item Show (available only in One Person Mode) and computer will calculate days when phases of Physical, Emotional and Intellectual cycles are changing, i.e. curves are crossing the mean level. These dates will be displayed on the bottom of the form:

Note: In some publications about Biorhythms risky days are also called critical days.

If you click anywhere on the chart with the mouse, the day of the month and the weekday that correspond to the clicked place will appear on the bottom of the left side of the form. If item Amplitudes (under Show) is checked, then levels of cycles on that day will be displayed too:

Click the right mouse button if you want this message to disappear.

Biorhythms for Windows Pro can also calculate and show Secondary Biorhythmic cycles – Passion, Wisdom and Mastery. To turn to Secondary Biorhythms Mode, go to Options, and then click Secondary Biorhythms – this item will become checked with V mark and program will show Secondary Biorhythms.

Click Show, and then Passion, Wisdom or Mastery if you want to watch any of these cycles separately or in any combination. To return back to Primary Cycles (Physical, Emotional and Intellectual) uncheck item Secondary Biorhythms.

You will find more about Secondary Biorhythmic Cycles in the Section  entitled About Biorhythms.

You can also adjust duration of the cycles, choosing Options, Adjust Cycles. Each cycle could be adjusted by plus/minus one day, one mouse click corresponds to the change of 10 minutes.

You can use an alternative method for entering of the birth dates, taking them from the Database. To do that, choose Dates, DataBase, and then Take, Add, View, Edit or Delete, depending on what you want to do.

If you click Take, you will be able to choose any birth date that was entered previously, just select the name and press OK button:

Note: to quickly access this function, you can click the icon  .

If you choose Add, the following form will appear:

Enter the name with a keyboard into the Name field and enter birth date by moving the scroll bars, then press Add OK button.

Database can hold up to 999 entries.

Back to Top  Two Persons Mode

You can compare Biorhythms of two people if you choose Two Persons mode:

- Click  Options and Two persons or the icon   - it will turn to red .

Click Dates, Dates or . Dialog box will ask you both persons birth dates and the time when you want to start showing Biorhythms. If birth dates you want to use are stored in a Database, choose Dates, DataBase, Take (or click icon  ).

Program will calculate Biorhythms for both persons and will show it on the screen:

In order to understand reading of the chart, please refer to paragraph Consistency of Two Persons under the Section About Biorhythms.

If option Compatibility is checked, program will show it for two persons in percents.

To return to One Person mode, click the icon   (it will turn to red ) or choose Options, One Person.

If you are in the Mode of Secondary Biorhythmic Cycles (Secondary Biorhythms under Options has to be checked), program will show Secondary Cycles for two people as well. Same applies if program is in I-Ching Biorhythms mode.

Back to Top  Changing the Appearance of the Biorhythms

You can change colors of the background, grid or curves by choosing View and then either Background, Grid and Color (to change color of grid), or Colors of Curves (to change colors of curves):

With option Colors of Curves, All you can change color of Physical, Emotional and Intellectual curves one by one, not returning back to the main program.

Select any color you like from the form, which appears on the screen, by selecting desired color with the mouse arrow and a click:

Press OK button.

Changes will take place immediately.

If you want to change the style of curves or grid, click View, then Style and select any of six possible style choices by clicking  the one of six boxes:

Changing style of the biorhythmic curve

Option All under Style will make style of all biorhythmic cycles the same – it will change to the one that you select.

Note: In order to change colors and style of curves, you must return into the mode of main Biorhythmic Cycles (both Secondary Biorhythms and I-Ching Biorhythms (under Options) must be unchecked).

You can change the appearance of the grid: choose View and Grid: Narrow, Medium, Wide or No Grid. To change color and style of the grid, choose Color or Style

If option Zodiac Sign (under Show) is checked, program will show it on the top right corner. If you cannot see Zodiac Sign, make sure that additional font, EileenMediumZodiac, is installed. You can check it in Windows Control Panel, under Fonts.

To see Biorhythms for the previous or next month, you do not need to enter the dates again.

Just click Show and Next Month or Previous Month (or icons ,  respectively) and program will draw new curves.

If you want to watch Physical, Emotional and Intellectual curves separately or in any combination, click Show, then select Physical, Emotional or Intellectual (these items will be marked with a ü sign).

To return to all three curves, click Show and All Curves.

Secondary Cycles (Passion, Wisdom and Mastery) inherit color and style of Primary Cycles (Physical, Emotional and Intellectual), and you cannot change them while in Secondary Biorhythms mode.



Finding Similar Days

If option Show Tool Tips (under Options) is checked, a short description of each icon will be displayed when mouse is positioned on these icons. 


Back to Top  Printing of a Chart

You can make a hard copy of a Biorhythms Study (even a color one, with a color printer). You can also copy the graph to the Windows clipboard.

To make a hard copy, do this:
        Click File, Print and  Print  on the other menu box again:

We recommend setting your printer to Landscape mode (click File, Print, Printer Setup and then click Landscape in the Orientation box).

Print will print a hard copy of the Biorhythmic Cycles, approximately the same size as you see it on the screen (using WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get principle).

If you want to have bigger image printed on a sheet of paper, you can enlarge the picture to a full screen size before printing:  click the button on the right top side of the form  with the mouse.

Using Print HQ you can print high quality full page Biorhythms for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months (dialog box will ask you about it).

The same dialog box will appear if you click printer icon :

You can check “Add Name(s)” and persons name will be printed on the bottom of the Chart (available only if birth date is taken from the database).

By checking “Include a note” you can also add an optional note to the printed Chart.

Choose desired duration by clicking appropriate Months button and press OK.

If program is in Secondary Biorhythms mode or I-Ching Biorhythms mode, then the corresponding Secondary Cycles (Passion, Wisdom and Mastery) or I-Ching Biorhythmic Cycles (Aesthetic, Self-Awareness and Spiritual) will be printed.

To make a copy of the graph into the Windows clipboard:

          - Click File, Print, Copy.

Using Copy you can copy your Biorhythms Study into the other Windows applications that can accept graphics - Word, Excel, Open Office, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Pagemaker, editors of internet pages, as Frontpage, Dreamweaver, and a lot of others. You can even edit it, include other pictures, scanned photos with Paint, PhotoShop, PhotoStyler, CorelDraw or other similar programs.

Just position the cursor in these applications where you want picture to appear and click Edit, Paste.

          Note: Make sure that you click Copy in Biorhythms Program before you do it.

Now you will be able to include your Biorhythms Chart, say, in the letter for your boss, if you want to prove that tomorrow is an extremely dangerous day for you and you prefer staying at home.

Using these other Windows programs you will be able to resize the picture and to print it in a more attractive way than you would do directly from Biorhythms Program.

Note, that you can copy and then paste only one picture at a time.

You can print Biorhythmic Charts or Calendar for entire year. For this click File, Print, Entire Year, Preview. Program will calculate and show 12 Biorhythmic Charts on a separate window:


Click Entire Year, Print if you want to print these charts.

If you want to calculate Biorhythmic Calendar with marked critical days, choose Entire Year, Show, Calendar:


You can print it in a same way as charts (Entire Year, Print, Print).

Note: This function works only in One Person mode. It shows I-Ching Biorhythms with marked Critical days and Secondary Biorhythms for entire year too.


Back to Top  The Calendar

This Program includes an amazing feature - Calendar - that covers nearly twenty nine centuries, from 101 AD to 3001 AD. Click Show, Calendar or icon  and calendar will appear on the screen:


Its date will be adjusted automatically to the main form’s date. You will be able to compare risky days, low and high periods of the Biorhythmic Cycles with a Calendar.

If you choose File, New (or icon ), and then Show, Calendar or , then Calendar will show current date and you will be able to change the date, adjusting Month and Year scroll bars:


Note: If option Lunar Phase (under Show) is checked, then clicking on the Calendar with the mouse, you will see an approximate Lunar Phase on that day. That function works from year 1900 to 2150.

If option Show, Risky Days on the main screen is checked (with V), then days, when the Biorhythmic Cycles intersect the axis will be marked on the Calendar with the letters P for Physical, E for Emotional and I for Intellectual cycles. 


For I-Ching cycles the corresponding letters are A (Aesthetic cycle), S (Self-Awareness cycle) and Sp (Spiritual cycle).

These letters are followed by sign +, when corresponding cycle enters positive phase or by sign -, when it enters negative (recovery) phase. Two letters on the same day say that it is more dangerous day than usually, three - very dangerous.

You can make a copy of the Calendar to Clipboard with Calendar, Print, Copy (then paste it into another application with Edit, Paste, as written in Section “Printing of the Chart”, or print it directly to the printer with Calendar, Print, Print. Calendar will be printed approximately of the same size as it is seen on the screen. If you want to print full high quality page calendar, click Print, Print HQ.

Background color of the Calendar can be changed by selecting View, Background.

You can resize the Calendar and position it anywhere on the screen by dragging it with the mouse.

Back to Top Biorhythms Interpretations

In order to open window with Biorhythms interpretations for selected day, you have to click icon Biorhythms Interpretations : then cursor will turn into cross . Put it on needed day and click mouse.


Such windows will open:


Click Close to return to the main window.

Alternative way to choose Interpretations is to select Options, Interpretations: cursor also will turn into cross and then you will need to click day with the mouse.
Note: Cursor will turn back to normal if you click icon again or if mouse will leave chart area.

Note: Interpretations work only in One Person mode and when 3 main cycles (Physical, Emotional and Intellectual) are displayed. Please uncheck Intuitional cycle in order to use this function.

Back to Top  Finding Good or Bad Days and Similar Days

Note: Main 3 cycles (Physical, Emotional and Intellectual) only should be checked, else Find Closest and Find Similar Days will be disabled on the Options menu.

Program can calculate Good Days:
- when all Biorhythmic Cycles reach the top at the same time;

or Bad Days:
- when all Cycles reach bottom simultaneously;
- or when Double or Triple Critical (Risky) days occur.

On the main form, click Options, then Find Closest and choose either Good Days or Bad Days and Program will show up to ten dates within next five years, good or bad for you, correspondingly:


Click Close button to make that information disappear, or Show if you want to see selected month on the main program window.

You can set sensitivity for searching of Good and Bad Days.

search sensitivity

Also program has an advanced function that finds days, similar to the selected one:

 -  Click Options, Find Similar Day (or icon ). Cursor will turn into the cross, “+”. As you will move the mouse, dates on the left bottom corner will be changing. Click on the selected day, and program will find days, that have similar Biorhythmic phases and amplitudes as the selected one. It works with any combination of Biorhythmic Curves, i.e. one, any two, like Physical and Intellectual, or all three (it depends on what curves are shown on the screen). Do not leave ‘Grid’ area, as cursor will turn back into the pointer.


To quit this function, click icon  again.

Note: This function works only in One Person mode.

Possible Use:  If person thinks that some day was particularly good for her or him (for example, you won in Casino), he may want to find out when similar days will occur. Also this function may be very helpful in forecasting athlete’s results, people’s behavior and similar things.

Program finds Similar Days and Good/Bad Days based on 3 main cycles: Physical, Emotional and Intellectual. Please uncheck Intuitional cycle in order to use this function.

Function of Finding Similar Days also works in Secondary Biorhythms and I-Ching Biorhythms Mode as well.

Back to Top  Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use a keyboard to access any menu item with the keyboard by pressing the Alt key and underlined menu letters simultaneously, say Alt+F to highlight menu item File:


Note: When you press the Alt key, menu letters will become underlined.

Now you can use keyboard arrow keys, say, right arrow -> to move to Dates or down arrow v to go to New, Print or other menu items (or just press underlined letter N, P instead).

To start a new session, click File, New or click icon .

To quit the program, choose File, Exit or icon .

Note: If option Save Settings on Exit is checked (to do so, click it once with the mouse, another click will delete check mark V), program will save your custom settings (colors, styles of curves and grid, two most recently used birth dates, etc.) and will use these values in the next session.

Back to Top  With Biorhythms for Windows Pro you are allowed to sell reports generated with this Program. You do not have the right to copy program for other than backup purposes or to sell or distribute copies of this Program without an agreement of the author. Materials contained in this Guide and Biorhythms Pro program are protected by Copyright and Tsrademark laws and shall not be used without an approval of the author. 
If you have questions or are interested in distribution of Biorhythms for Windows Pro, please contact author of the program via email.